Messages from Shirley Bangayan
Below are forwarded messages from Shirley Bangayan of Living for Christ Foundation for your profound reflection.
God bless us all.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I believe I should share the personal message I got from our Lord dictated to my sister-in-law, Maria, by her angel David. I now understand in a clearer light the different conflicts that transpired in my work with the poor and in CFC. Reading my message hopefully will remove anger, resentment and being judgmental against leaders who caused the division in CFC. I hope you will also find much enlightenment from what is told to me.
The second half of the message refers to the "Shrine" that Bangy and I were told in a written message (also dictated by Maria's angel) to build. It is located in the Passionist Compound Phase 8 Bagong Silang. Our foundation, Living for Christ Foundation, donated it to the Passionist Congregation in 2006 together with the entire complex after Ancop was converted into a resource generation from social development work. The compound is now used as a seminary. When we built the chapel fourteen years ago, we were given instruction to keep an eternal light in the Chapel which we faithfully maintained even after we had moved out from the Compound. The last sentence of the message to me refers to this eternal flame. One needs to know the history of the Shrine to be able to understand the second part of the message about "The Shrine".
I have also attached a written message addressed to CFC which Maria believes should be forwarded to CFC members.
Praise and Glory to God!
God bless us all.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I believe I should share the personal message I got from our Lord dictated to my sister-in-law, Maria, by her angel David. I now understand in a clearer light the different conflicts that transpired in my work with the poor and in CFC. Reading my message hopefully will remove anger, resentment and being judgmental against leaders who caused the division in CFC. I hope you will also find much enlightenment from what is told to me.
The second half of the message refers to the "Shrine" that Bangy and I were told in a written message (also dictated by Maria's angel) to build. It is located in the Passionist Compound Phase 8 Bagong Silang. Our foundation, Living for Christ Foundation, donated it to the Passionist Congregation in 2006 together with the entire complex after Ancop was converted into a resource generation from social development work. The compound is now used as a seminary. When we built the chapel fourteen years ago, we were given instruction to keep an eternal light in the Chapel which we faithfully maintained even after we had moved out from the Compound. The last sentence of the message to me refers to this eternal flame. One needs to know the history of the Shrine to be able to understand the second part of the message about "The Shrine".
I have also attached a written message addressed to CFC which Maria believes should be forwarded to CFC members.
Praise and Glory to God!
June 8, 2011
Couples For Christ
My message to you
This is My commandment to you – that you love one another as I have loved you.
My servants, My servants, why do you forsake Me and turn away from Me? For do you not all have one Father? Has not one God created you all? Why then do you treacherously deal against your brother? For are you not all My children? Is My love not given equally unto you all? How then can you take upon yourselves the right to judge each other as if you were given some divine right to do so, being free of your own shortcomings and sins? Are you perfect in My eyes? Have you kept all My commandments? Are you righteous in all you do? Then by what authority do you speak for me? For you are not My children and do not witness for Me by the manner in which you chose to behave. Your actions speak the thoughts that lay in your hearts and they do not reflect the words that you speak.
For you have taken it upon yourselves to go about My work as if you anointed yourselves My chosen ones. Do you truly believe that you were drawn to My work by your own will?
Pride, you misleader of men. You worm your way into the hearts of My servants under the guise of righteousness and set yourselves apart as if pure of heart, yet covet that which is not truly yours. Slander and inequity are your middle name. You chose to give yourselves seats in high places and wait not on Me for direction and guidance. For is it not I who have the right to choose My servants and to call them according to My needs and desires? Why then do you not recognize My authority?
For even Satan knows My authority and waits upon the direction of the Lord. He knows not to tempt without the Fathers direction those the Lord has set aside as His own. Yet you corrupt My ministry and My work at will. For the work of Couples For Christ was and is not yours to dictate. For it is not your kingdom commission but My Father’s. You were created and established by My hand as I placed My will within the heart of My servant to bring together My children in service for the formation of this office.
You have worked hard to come together and serve Me because it is I who have empowered you with the ability to gather together many with the same desire. But it is as always will be my office. Do not deem to call it your own for as I have given so I may take away My favor.
Lest you not remember why you were chosen and what your commission is, I tell you truly –
To proclaim the good news of My kingdom and that all who accept are saved by the redeemed by My Son Jesus Christ.
For the time grows short and there is much need. People die daily in their sins and My heart is heavy with a sadness at the loss of My children. The need to reach as many people as possible is great. So it is that Couples for Christ has been called forth to do My work, not only in this nation but throughout the world. For the good news is for all to hear. You are My witnesses and I call you to My service. Heed Me and I will bless greatly all your work and all My workers. Heed Me not and I will not forget your denial of My work or your names, for no longer will your names appear in The Book Of Life. For no child of Mine denies Me and turns from Me. Remember, I will judge by the intention of your hearts and not your words. For much that is spoken is not a true reflection of what lies in the heart of a man. It is for his actions to speak outwardly and proclaim to the world the truth that lies within.
My children serve Me by denying themselves and heeding My voice. They fix their eyes on Me and give all of themselves just as Christ gave up all that He was for us unto death. Can we do less? Think not only of yourselves and the needs of your own but remember all are the family of God and He cares for all not just some. Do not forget your brothers for God will also not remember you.
The world is growing away from My kingdom and I call to you My servants to work intensely, diligently, and with fervor to reach out as a community united in My name, each member chosen to do a specific task and with great love. You are called to reconcile My lost children to Me so they may be saved. Yet how can you do so if you yourselves are not reconciled with each other, with love for one another, and for the love of My Son? For how can you heal a world filled with so much Anger, Hate, Pride, Selfishness, Self Interest, and Hunger For Power, if you yourselves manifest the same sins? For these are not diseases of the flesh but of the spirit. Those who suffer such are not filled with My Holy Spirit. For such is not in our nature or in those I have drawn to Me. For to be so is to be under the dominion of evil and there is no place in My kingdom for him that enslaves and I will put away all that contains him when My kingdom is established.
REPENT! For this is the first word spoken by Christ. It is the key to restoration in a relationship to Him and which without we can not be empowered to serve Him by the Holy Spirit.
So you must give up your own personal ideas, goals, values, and come totally to My direction, moving away from disobedience to complete obedience. Once again, you must become a community of God’s people not just individuals but of a whole body of Spirit empowered people under one banner united under One name and for One purpose as My chosen children – Couples For Christ.
Set aside and lay away your judgments and grievances and reach out to each other with Christ like love and do not diminish the work and office of Couples For Christ. For Satan works towards the destruction of the body for great is his victory when he can divide and conquer My children as a whole community.
As there is much power in a strong community witnessing to a world in Christian love than witnessing as individuals. Be steadfast and strong, hold true as a community under My will.
Leave behind your condemnations, accusations, and disagreements and do not let the world bring judgment and settlements of your disputes in and by their court systems. For it is not for them to hold authority over what I have created.
June 8, 2011 (3pages)
My message to you: Couples For Christ
Many questions have you had, my daughter, through the past fourteen years and I have remained silent not to foster doubts or confusion, not to create anxiety and turmoil which you have experienced much of. My silence was to allow you to grow and mature in your faith for much would be required in the work I would set before you. You have done well, my daughter, and I am well pleased. You have taken up the task I’ve given you and have been faithful to my bidding even when I was silent. You listened and heard My voice and began the work with the poor as I wanted, not as man envisioned.
I placed you with Couples For Christ as a means to educate and establish working with the poor, to give you the tools to learn first hand the way that best serves the needs of a poor community. These lessons were meant for all the members and from here into individual tasks. For I set out to use each person in a different way and for a different purpose. This beginning was never intended to remain as part of your task. Your relationship here was a foundation to what lay ahead.
Tony Meloto was selected to serve my plan as an emissary to the government, to prompt it to join into a building foundation that would serve the poor and propel it to implement programs that would call attention to the plight of the poor in this nation and that of all poor in the world. His task may seem of great importance as he has garnished many accolades but what man sees as important and impressive is often but an illusion created to gather attention and the desire to also attain high recognition which is only temporal. His behavior and attitudes are of no concern to anyone but Me for I have empowered him for My own purpose and will use him as I will. His role will be one of provision as to gather by his words the workers needed to carry out My plan, just as Frank Padilla is my servant in implementing My teachings and word to those who need moral guidance and moral uplifting to the Christian values needed in the nation.
Together all will play a role in My plan to serve the poor communities of this nation. They like many others I have chosen are now beginning the change that I have set in motion. For I will not lose My children to the world. I seek to bring them all home and will continue to place prophets, healers, teachers and leaders in high places of power as well as more lowly ones. The time grows short and I will by My grace continue to reach out and secure My kingdom.
The Shrine:
“Build me a shrine” was an instruction into obedience and conviction. Never was it meant to be a place for your foundation.
Rather it was to serve those who choose to serve Me. For it would house My servants and provide a reminder of My saving grace.
It is here that young minds and hearts would be tested. For those who professed a calling to a vocation of servitude would come to study My word and to take on the task of spreading the gospel. For some who truly are My servants will find peace and fulfillment but they will be few because this is a vocation that corrupts the laws of nature. For I the Father never created man to be alone. The flesh has needs that serve My purpose of procreation and it cannot exist without fulfilling this need. When men alienate themselves from this desire to fulfill such a need it corrupts their souls. They will seek to fulfill their needs in dark and secret means. They will need to be convicted of their sins. My shrine will reach out to them as a reminder that such a life was never meant for men to live. Much abuse is occurring in such places of training and much sin is committed by those who profess they can and have remained chaste yet have engaged in sinful acts and let others to do so as well to quench their lust and hunger of the flesh. Let them see the price paid to release them if they repent and refrain from a life that promotes celibacy and abstinence from the ordinance God has placed on men to become whole and fulfilled per the laws of God.
For some come to serve due to financial need, others for shelter and security, some from being led to believe they are chosen, and some out of an honest desire and for a love of service for the Word.
Yet even then one can serve without denying that which the Lord has placed in their hearts for how can a man know the true needs of a husband or of a father if he has not been one. For these are roles that require much knowledge which can only be known from experience. For one can study and acquire knowledge from books and lessons but compassion, patience, and empathy comes only through first hand experience. Just as God manifested Himself in the flesh as Christ to demonstrate and experience the trials and tribulation of mankind that He fully show us that He understood our weaknesses not as it was written but as He knew them, lest any man says He was above such an experience and unable to judge fairly.
No longer is the eternal flame needed for My spirit dwells within and I will light their way to salvation.
Message dictated to Maria by her Angel David 5-29-11
June 8, 2011
Couples For Christ
My message to you
This is My commandment to you – that you love one another as I have loved you.
My servants, My servants, why do you forsake Me and turn away from Me? For do you not all have one Father? Has not one God created you all? Why then do you treacherously deal against your brother? For are you not all My children? Is My love not given equally unto you all? How then can you take upon yourselves the right to judge each other as if you were given some divine right to do so, being free of your own shortcomings and sins? Are you perfect in My eyes? Have you kept all My commandments? Are you righteous in all you do? Then by what authority do you speak for me? For you are not My children and do not witness for Me by the manner in which you chose to behave. Your actions speak the thoughts that lay in your hearts and they do not reflect the words that you speak.
For you have taken it upon yourselves to go about My work as if you anointed yourselves My chosen ones. Do you truly believe that you were drawn to My work by your own will?
Pride, you misleader of men. You worm your way into the hearts of My servants under the guise of righteousness and set yourselves apart as if pure of heart, yet covet that which is not truly yours. Slander and inequity are your middle name. You chose to give yourselves seats in high places and wait not on Me for direction and guidance. For is it not I who have the right to choose My servants and to call them according to My needs and desires? Why then do you not recognize My authority?
For even Satan knows My authority and waits upon the direction of the Lord. He knows not to tempt without the Fathers direction those the Lord has set aside as His own. Yet you corrupt My ministry and My work at will. For the work of Couples For Christ was and is not yours to dictate. For it is not your kingdom commission but My Father’s. You were created and established by My hand as I placed My will within the heart of My servant to bring together My children in service for the formation of this office.
You have worked hard to come together and serve Me because it is I who have empowered you with the ability to gather together many with the same desire. But it is as always will be my office. Do not deem to call it your own for as I have given so I may take away My favor.
Lest you not remember why you were chosen and what your commission is, I tell you truly –
To proclaim the good news of My kingdom and that all who accept are saved by the redeemed by My Son Jesus Christ.
For the time grows short and there is much need. People die daily in their sins and My heart is heavy with a sadness at the loss of My children. The need to reach as many people as possible is great. So it is that Couples for Christ has been called forth to do My work, not only in this nation but throughout the world. For the good news is for all to hear. You are My witnesses and I call you to My service. Heed Me and I will bless greatly all your work and all My workers. Heed Me not and I will not forget your denial of My work or your names, for no longer will your names appear in The Book Of Life. For no child of Mine denies Me and turns from Me. Remember, I will judge by the intention of your hearts and not your words. For much that is spoken is not a true reflection of what lies in the heart of a man. It is for his actions to speak outwardly and proclaim to the world the truth that lies within.
My children serve Me by denying themselves and heeding My voice. They fix their eyes on Me and give all of themselves just as Christ gave up all that He was for us unto death. Can we do less? Think not only of yourselves and the needs of your own but remember all are the family of God and He cares for all not just some. Do not forget your brothers for God will also not remember you.
The world is growing away from My kingdom and I call to you My servants to work intensely, diligently, and with fervor to reach out as a community united in My name, each member chosen to do a specific task and with great love. You are called to reconcile My lost children to Me so they may be saved. Yet how can you do so if you yourselves are not reconciled with each other, with love for one another, and for the love of My Son? For how can you heal a world filled with so much Anger, Hate, Pride, Selfishness, Self Interest, and Hunger For Power, if you yourselves manifest the same sins? For these are not diseases of the flesh but of the spirit. Those who suffer such are not filled with My Holy Spirit. For such is not in our nature or in those I have drawn to Me. For to be so is to be under the dominion of evil and there is no place in My kingdom for him that enslaves and I will put away all that contains him when My kingdom is established.
REPENT! For this is the first word spoken by Christ. It is the key to restoration in a relationship to Him and which without we can not be empowered to serve Him by the Holy Spirit.
So you must give up your own personal ideas, goals, values, and come totally to My direction, moving away from disobedience to complete obedience. Once again, you must become a community of God’s people not just individuals but of a whole body of Spirit empowered people under one banner united under One name and for One purpose as My chosen children – Couples For Christ.
Set aside and lay away your judgments and grievances and reach out to each other with Christ like love and do not diminish the work and office of Couples For Christ. For Satan works towards the destruction of the body for great is his victory when he can divide and conquer My children as a whole community.
As there is much power in a strong community witnessing to a world in Christian love than witnessing as individuals. Be steadfast and strong, hold true as a community under My will.
Leave behind your condemnations, accusations, and disagreements and do not let the world bring judgment and settlements of your disputes in and by their court systems. For it is not for them to hold authority over what I have created.
June 8, 2011 (3pages)
My message to you: Couples For Christ
Many questions have you had, my daughter, through the past fourteen years and I have remained silent not to foster doubts or confusion, not to create anxiety and turmoil which you have experienced much of. My silence was to allow you to grow and mature in your faith for much would be required in the work I would set before you. You have done well, my daughter, and I am well pleased. You have taken up the task I’ve given you and have been faithful to my bidding even when I was silent. You listened and heard My voice and began the work with the poor as I wanted, not as man envisioned.
I placed you with Couples For Christ as a means to educate and establish working with the poor, to give you the tools to learn first hand the way that best serves the needs of a poor community. These lessons were meant for all the members and from here into individual tasks. For I set out to use each person in a different way and for a different purpose. This beginning was never intended to remain as part of your task. Your relationship here was a foundation to what lay ahead.
Tony Meloto was selected to serve my plan as an emissary to the government, to prompt it to join into a building foundation that would serve the poor and propel it to implement programs that would call attention to the plight of the poor in this nation and that of all poor in the world. His task may seem of great importance as he has garnished many accolades but what man sees as important and impressive is often but an illusion created to gather attention and the desire to also attain high recognition which is only temporal. His behavior and attitudes are of no concern to anyone but Me for I have empowered him for My own purpose and will use him as I will. His role will be one of provision as to gather by his words the workers needed to carry out My plan, just as Frank Padilla is my servant in implementing My teachings and word to those who need moral guidance and moral uplifting to the Christian values needed in the nation.
Together all will play a role in My plan to serve the poor communities of this nation. They like many others I have chosen are now beginning the change that I have set in motion. For I will not lose My children to the world. I seek to bring them all home and will continue to place prophets, healers, teachers and leaders in high places of power as well as more lowly ones. The time grows short and I will by My grace continue to reach out and secure My kingdom.
The Shrine:
“Build me a shrine” was an instruction into obedience and conviction. Never was it meant to be a place for your foundation.
Rather it was to serve those who choose to serve Me. For it would house My servants and provide a reminder of My saving grace.
It is here that young minds and hearts would be tested. For those who professed a calling to a vocation of servitude would come to study My word and to take on the task of spreading the gospel. For some who truly are My servants will find peace and fulfillment but they will be few because this is a vocation that corrupts the laws of nature. For I the Father never created man to be alone. The flesh has needs that serve My purpose of procreation and it cannot exist without fulfilling this need. When men alienate themselves from this desire to fulfill such a need it corrupts their souls. They will seek to fulfill their needs in dark and secret means. They will need to be convicted of their sins. My shrine will reach out to them as a reminder that such a life was never meant for men to live. Much abuse is occurring in such places of training and much sin is committed by those who profess they can and have remained chaste yet have engaged in sinful acts and let others to do so as well to quench their lust and hunger of the flesh. Let them see the price paid to release them if they repent and refrain from a life that promotes celibacy and abstinence from the ordinance God has placed on men to become whole and fulfilled per the laws of God.
For some come to serve due to financial need, others for shelter and security, some from being led to believe they are chosen, and some out of an honest desire and for a love of service for the Word.
Yet even then one can serve without denying that which the Lord has placed in their hearts for how can a man know the true needs of a husband or of a father if he has not been one. For these are roles that require much knowledge which can only be known from experience. For one can study and acquire knowledge from books and lessons but compassion, patience, and empathy comes only through first hand experience. Just as God manifested Himself in the flesh as Christ to demonstrate and experience the trials and tribulation of mankind that He fully show us that He understood our weaknesses not as it was written but as He knew them, lest any man says He was above such an experience and unable to judge fairly.
No longer is the eternal flame needed for My spirit dwells within and I will light their way to salvation.
Message dictated to Maria by her Angel David 5-29-11